Jul 13, 2018

Eastons Beach of Newport

Time for a leisurely stroll on Eastons Beach of Newport, R.I. The water has a red tint to it because of the seaweed, which I've never seen on any other beach. Oil on 12"h x 16"w x 1" stretched linen. SOLD.

Jul 6, 2018

Yellow Wraps

One of my fellow students at Elite Combative Systems of Indiana, PA wraps his hands to prepare for kickboxing class. Oil on 30"h x 15"w stretched canvas.

Jul 3, 2018

Fast Hands

I paint most of my paintings from photographs. I took the reference photo for this one at Elite Combative Systems in Indiana, PA. Sal's hands were a bit too fast for my slow camera, so I used that to create a sense of movement. Oil on 24"h x 18"w stretched linen.