May 14, 2021


In my house and at various family functions, there is a little thing called the "Jonelle Tax." This tax permits me to take bites of everyone's food. The rule is, if I say, "Bite", everyone must pay up. The cats and dog also have a similar rule, but it only applies to foods that are healthy for them. They can't talk, so they just paw at us or sit one inch from our plates until we can't ignore them. In this case, I purchased these macarons from Gaby et Jules in Pittsburgh, and I decided to start my taste test with the lemon one. Stay tuned to see paintings of this plate of macarons later on in the taste test. Oil on 6"h x 8"w stretched linen.

This painting is available at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art in Ligonier, PA. It is part of the show I am having with my mother, Jolene Joyner, called "Looking for the Light in Dark times." Please contact for more information. SOLD.

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