Apr 2, 2014

Late Dinner at the Pizzeria II

A crowded pizzeria late at night in Venice, Italy. Oil on 12"h x 16"w stretched linen. SOLD.


Unknown said...

I bought this painting yesterday at the Affordable Art Fair. You're very talented. I'm a person of limited financial means, so I've waited awhile to encounter a piece that would be the very first work to start my modest collection. Thank you for that.

Jonelle Summerfield said...

Thank you very much for your purchase! I am honored that you chose my work to be the first in your collection!

Unknown said...

I went back to the fair today with the intention of purchasing Walking to the Park, but it had already sold. I was drawn to the location of Walking to the Park, because I grew up in and around Washington Sq. Park, but in the end I went with the atmosphere and detail of this painting. Impressionism is the visual-art style that most moves me, so whenever I visit art fairs or open studios, I always wonder why there are so few impressionists (post-impressionists, or whatever label people use for contemporaries of today). I realize I'm being judgmental here, but I've come to this conclusion. Impressionist painting style requires extraordinary skill to avoid coming across as clumsy or derivative. It's much easier to draw squares on a canvas or cut together a collage of ready-made images. I'm an untrained philistine who has the artistic skills of a walrus, so my opinion matters little, but I believe you are just as talented as Hopper, Bellows, Sloane or other artists whose works sell for millions. (Please note that I'm not trying to encourage you to raise your prices, since I hope to purchase more of your work in the near future, and as stated above, I'm a man of limited financial means.)

Jonelle Summerfield said...

Wow, thank you very much for your compliments... and your opinion does matter! The artists you mentioned are among my favorites and I am flattered to have been mentioned alongside them. I agree that there doesn't seem to be a name for modern-day impressionism, but that is what I usually call my work, since it isn't ultra realistic or abstract.